

You can perform scientific calculations on our supercomputers “LEM” and “Copernicus”.
Our offer is addressed to research institutes, scientists, research centers and research and development departments in enterprises.


Go to registration to create a new account. No fees, no paperwork, fast and with a trial hour to use on the server for free. If you have previously rendered on our CPU computer “Copernicus”, log in to your existing account.


Chat to our support to configure the “Lem” or “Copernicus” supercomputer to suit your needs.


Upload your files via a convenient file manager.

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Wait a short time till all your files load on the supercomputer. Your calculations will be made quickly and cheaply.When the calculations are completed, download the finished files.

The creation of a system for handling scientific calculations was part of the project Development of the IT laboratory of Copernicus Computing by increasing the computing power of the supercomputer “KOPERNIK”. The project was co-financed by the European Union under the European Regional Development Fund Sub-measure 1.2.1 Support for research and development processes, the Regional Operational Program of the Kuyavian-Pomeranian Voivodeship.

We have two supercomputers “LEM” and “Copernicus”
The price for their rental is the same as the price for rendering, see price list

The solution has been tested by scientific centers in Toruń, Gdańsk and Lublin

We support the following programs: Games, OpenMPI, TensorFlow, but we will also be happy to handle other programs if the need arises

We carry out computational tasks in the field of molecular modeling of drugs, using our supercomputer “LEM”.

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